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When you import Sweatpy with import sweat all pandas data frames and series have a sweat accessor available that allows you to do things like:

df.sweat.mean_max("column name")



See below for more examples. The sweat accessor will raise an AttributeError when the data frame or series content is not valid.

Please note that the sweat accessor for data frames and series are similar but not identical.

Most methods on the sweat accessor are also available for usage outside data frames.

Mean max

import sweat

example = sweat.examples(path="")
data = sweat.read_fit(example.path)

mmp = data["power"].sweat.mean_max()
0 days 00:00:01    1022.000000
0 days 00:00:02     980.500000
0 days 00:00:03     928.666667
0 days 00:00:04     847.750000
0 days 00:00:05     721.600000
0 days 02:19:12     219.201748
0 days 02:19:13     219.175506
0 days 02:19:14     219.149270
0 days 02:19:15     219.123040
0 days 02:19:16     219.096817
Name: mean_max_power, Length: 8356, dtype: float64

Or for multiple columns at once:

import sweat

example = sweat.examples(path="")
data = sweat.read_fit(example.path)

mean_max = data.sweat.mean_max(["power", "heartrate"])
mean_max_power mean_max_heartrate
0 days 00:00:01 1022.000000 190.000000
0 days 00:00:02 980.500000 190.000000
0 days 00:00:03 928.666667 190.000000
0 days 00:00:04 847.750000 190.000000
0 days 00:00:05 721.600000 190.000000
... ... ...
0 days 02:19:12 219.201748 164.746049
0 days 02:19:13 219.175506 164.738178
0 days 02:19:14 219.149270 164.730668
0 days 02:19:15 219.123040 164.723639
0 days 02:19:16 219.096817 164.716850

8356 rows × 2 columns

The mean_max() methods accept a monotic boolean argument that can be used to force a monotonically decreasing mean max curve. The default is False.

import sweat

example = sweat.examples(path="")
data = sweat.read_fit(example.path)

mean_max = data.sweat.mean_max(["power", "heartrate"], monotonic=True)

The mean_max() function is also available as sweat.metrics.core.mean_max().

Timedelta index

The data frames returned by the read_*() functions have a pandas.DatetimeIndex by default. Sometimes it is usefull to have a relative pandas.TimedeltaIndex:

import sweat

example = sweat.examples(path="")
activity = sweat.read_fit(example.path)[["power", "heartrate"]]

activity = activity.sweat.to_timedelta_index()
power heartrate
00:00:00 0 111
00:00:01 0 108
00:00:02 0 106
00:00:03 0 102
00:00:04 0 99

Then you can do things like slice for the first 10 seconds of an activity:

power heartrate
00:00:00 0 111
00:00:01 0 108
00:00:02 0 106
00:00:03 0 102
00:00:04 0 99
00:00:05 0 95
00:00:06 0 94
00:00:07 0 94
00:00:08 0 97
00:00:09 0 97
00:00:10 0 101

The sweat.to_timedelta_index() method is available on both data frames and series.

Training zones

Working with training zones is easy in Sweatpy. To add a column with the heart rate zone label to the data frame:

import sweat

example = sweat.examples(path="")
activity = sweat.read_fit(example.path)[["power", "heartrate"]]

activity["heartrate_zone"] = activity["heartrate"].sweat.calculate_zones(
    bins=[0, 100, 140, 160, 999],
    labels=["rest", "D1", "D2", "D3"])
2019-09-20 14:10:03+00:00      D1
2019-09-20 14:10:04+00:00      D1
2019-09-20 14:10:05+00:00      D1
2019-09-20 14:10:06+00:00      D1
2019-09-20 14:10:07+00:00    rest
Name: heartrate_zone, dtype: category
Categories (4, object): [rest < D1 < D2 < D3]

...where the bins argument contains the left and right bounds for each training zone and the labels argument the zone labels.

To calculate the time in zone:

import sweat

example = sweat.examples(path="")
activity = sweat.read_fit(example.path)[["power", "heartrate"]]

time_in_zone = activity["power"].sweat.time_in_zone(
    bins=[-9999, 150, 230, 320, 9999],
    labels=["rest", "D1", "D2", "D3"])
D2     00:58:06
rest   00:36:25
D3     00:25:40
D1     00:19:06
Name: power, dtype: timedelta64[ns]